Quality Assurances
As caretakers of the land and livestock, we have gone the extra mile to ensure that our cattle are well looked after; and that the land is sustainably managed to provide endless bounties for future generations to come.
In keeping with the best practices in animal husbandry and land care management, we proudly operate our farms under quality assurance programs that are independently audited to ensure product traceability, quality control and product integrity.
NLIS –National Livestock Identification System (PIC Numbers: NF161876)
The National Livestock Identification System (NLIS) is Australia’s system for identification and traceability of livestock. It was introduced to enhance the ability to track cattle during disease and food incidents. It enables us to trace our cattle from birth to slaughter for: (1) Biosecurity, (2) Meat safety, (3) Product integrity and (4) Market access.
NLIS-accredited radio frequency identification devices (RFIDs) contain microchips that are encoded with unique numbers, which are linked to the PIC (Property Identification Code) that the RFIDs were issued to. RFID numbers are uploaded to the NLIS database by ear tag manufacturers, along with the device’s corresponding NLIS identification number, which is printed on the outside of every device and can be read visually.
The NLIS is endorsed by major producers, feedlots, stock agents, saleyards and processor bodies. In addition to this it is underpinned by State/Territory legislation, which forms the regulatory framework for the system. The NLIS gives us as producers the ability to trace livestock from property of birth to slaughter, which is crucial to the safety of red meat.
NFAS – National Feedlot Accreditation Scheme (NFAS Accreditation No. 91)
The National Feedlot Accreditation Scheme (NFAS) is an industry self-regulatory quality assurance scheme that was initiated by the Australian Lot Feeders Association (ALFA) and is managed by an industry Committee the Feedlot Industry Accreditation Committee (FLIAC). The objective of the NFAS is to develop a Quality System for beef feedlots that impacts positively on product quality and acceptability and for which the lot feeders maintain responsibility.
The mission of the NFAS is to ensure the Australian beef feedlot industry develops a responsible feedlot management program to: (1) enhance the marketing prospects for grain fed beef by raising the integrity and quality of the product; (2) establish a viable mechanism for industry self-regulation; and (3) improve the image of feedlots held by the community, particularly relating to environment and animal welfare matters.
To be accredited as an NFAS accredited feedlot we: (1) have documented procedures in place, specifically for the feedlot which meet the requirements of the industry standards; (2) maintain records that these procedures have been adhered to for all cattle prepared at the feedlot; and (3) undergo a third party audit of these procedures, records and facilities at the feedlot.
AUSMEAT/AQIS – Non-Packer Exporter (Establishment Number: 3161)
AUS-MEAT Limited is an industry owned company operating as a joint venture between Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) and the Australian Meat Processor Corporation (AMPC). AUS-MEAT runs efficient, disciplined business practices operating under internationally recognized Quality Management Systems: ISO 9001.
Under the Australian Meat and Live-Stock Industry Act 1997 a person in management and control of a Meat Export Business must hold an Export Meat License. All Export Meat License holders must have AUS-MEAT Accreditation before they will be issued with a License. NPE or Non Packer Exporter is a holder of a Meat Export License who does not operate a premise registered by DAFF for the purposes of packing Meat for export as an owner, a lessee, or under any other arrangement.
MSA – Meat Standards Australia (Member Number: R821)
Meat Standards Australia (MSA) is a beef eating quality program designed to take the guesswork out of buying and cooking Australian red meat. MSA involves all sectors of the supply chain from paddock to plate. A wide range of cattle management practices, processing systems, cuts, ageing periods and cooking methods have been researched to determine the impact each has on eating quality. As a member of MSA, we strive to consistently provide meat of the highest quality that are produced under best management practices.
NFAS – National Feedlot Accreditation Scheme (NFAS Accreditation No. 91)
The National Feedlot Accreditation Scheme (NFAS) is an industry self-regulatory quality assurance scheme that was initiated by the Australian Lot Feeders Association (ALFA) and is managed by an industry Committee the Feedlot Industry Accreditation Committee (FLIAC). The objective of the NFAS is to develop a Quality System for beef feedlots that impacts positively on product quality and acceptability and for which the lot feeders maintain responsibility.
The mission of the NFAS is to ensure the Australian beef feedlot industry develops a responsible feedlot management program to: (1) enhance the marketing prospects for grain fed beef by raising the integrity and quality of the product; (2) establish a viable mechanism for industry self-regulation; and (3) improve the image of feedlots held by the community, particularly relating to environment and animal welfare matters.
To be accredited as an NFAS accredited feedlot we: (1) have documented procedures in place, specifically for the feedlot which meet the requirements of the industry standards; (2) maintain records that these procedures have been adhered to for all cattle prepared at the feedlot; and (3) undergo a third party audit of these procedures, records and facilities at the feedlot.
AUSMEAT/AQIS – Non-Packer Exporter (Establishment Number: 3161)
AUS-MEAT Limited is an industry owned company operating as a joint venture between Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) and the Australian Meat Processor Corporation (AMPC). AUS-MEAT runs efficient, disciplined business practices operating under internationally recognized Quality Management Systems: ISO 9001.
Under the Australian Meat and Live-Stock Industry Act 1997 a person in management and control of a Meat Export Business must hold an Export Meat License. All Export Meat License holders must have AUS-MEAT Accreditation before they will be issued with a License. NPE or Non Packer Exporter is a holder of a Meat Export License who does not operate a premise registered by DAFF for the purposes of packing Meat for export as an owner, a lessee, or under any other arrangement.
AWA – Australian Wagyu Association Ltd. (Herd Code: CSP & Herd Prefix:
The Australian Wagyu Association Ltd. (AWA) is an industry body that records and monitors all registered Wagyu cattle in Australia. The AWA is committed to its mission statement of adding value to the Australian Wagyu industry and plays a major role in improving the quality of Wagyu beef for export and domestic consumption. Full Blood Wagyu is interpreted as “the progenies of a Wagyu Sire (bull) and a Wagyu Dam (cow) whose forebears originate from Japan and whose pedigrees show no evidence of any grading up from the base animals”. As a full member of the association, you can be sure that all of our Full Blood Wagyu cattle are 100 percent verified as Wagyu cattle that are registered with the Australian Wagyu Association and comes fully certified.